Mandated Trainings - Vector Training K-12
Mandated training reminders will be sent to all new staff and update reminders to current staff.  The following Trainings are part of Vector Training;

"To Log in:  User Name = Quabbin ID
Quabbin ID: First 2 initials of last name followed by last 5 digits of SS#
EG: XY12345

ALICE Training Alice Training is required for all faculty and staff.  You will be sent a reminder email from QRSD in order to update any training necessary.
The User and Password should be part of your email reminder. 
Here is the Link:

Cybersecurity Training Cybersecurity training is broken up into 4 trainings each year. You will be sent reminder updates from Security Education and will be unique to you for login purposes.

Please reference your email directly for the link.  As always, if you are unsure of the validity of the email/link contact the IT department first.